Fri, 14 February 2025
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Dr. Tory Baucuum, the director of the Center for Family Life at Benedictine College. Baucuum shares about how his faith journey led him from being a prominent Anglican pastor and professor, to international peace efforts in Poland, to his coming into full communion with the Catholic Church. All of this ministry culminating in the realization of the prominence God's plan for marriage and family as the solution to the most pressing problems facing our culture. Baucuum is organizing a special FAMILY WEEK retreat for families coming this May 25-30, 2025 at Benedictine college.
Direct download: 2025_2-16_Tory_Baucuum_Family_Life_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:47am CST |
Fri, 24 January 2025
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Kyle Kuckelman, consultant for youth ministry. |
Wed, 15 January 2025
Archbishop Naumann interviews Tenesha Williams the program director of Catholic Charities's SHALOM HOUSE. Shalom House is a Men’s Transitional Living program that fight homelessness by providing a place for long term change. |
Fri, 13 December 2024
Archbishop Naumann interviews some of the local Culture Project Missionaries: Alexa Schulte, Melina Shultz, Aaron Vrbka, and Patrick Kilgannon. The Culture Project is an initiative of young people set out to restore culture through the experience of virtue. Five Culture Project Missionaries are living in the Archdiocese as a free resource for our schools (grades 6-12), parish religious education and youth groups, college campus centers, and young adult groups.
Direct download: 2024_12-15_Culture_Project_KCK_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:12pm CST |
Fri, 8 November 2024
Archbishop Naumann interviews Professor Robert P. George before he gives the Defense of the Faith lecture at Donnelly College on the topic of– “Christianity and the Challenge of Paganism: Then and Now.
Direct download: 2024-11-10_Robert_George_on_New_Paganism_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:08pm CST |
Fri, 25 October 2024
Archbishop Naumann sits down with Bishop Ward president, Jay Dunlap to discuss the many benefits of Catholic high schools for the students, their families, and the community. They talk about Bishop Ward's storied history, current successes, and promising future. |
Fri, 18 October 2024
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with nurse Molly Price about natural, affordable ways for married couples to achieve fertility. As well, Archbishop shares some of the many moral and practical problems with IVF, which is too often presented as the first solution when there are better, affordable, scientifically certified alternatives such as the Marquette method. Molly Price, APRN, is the only certified teacher of the Marquette Method of natural family planning in the KC Area. She is currently taking patients for Marquette Method Instruction through, and can be contacted through for natural family planning instruction.
Direct download: 2024-10-20_Fertility_Gift_from_God_NFP_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:29pm CST |
Fri, 6 September 2024
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Chuck Weber, executive director of the Kansas Catholic Conference, about some of the tragic consequences of not passing the Value Them Both amendment and what we can do now.
Direct download: 24-9-8_Consequences_of_Not_Passing_Value_Them_Both_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:31pm CST |
Thu, 22 August 2024
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Fr. Luke Doyle about how our encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist calls us on mission. They discuss how the upcoming Mercy & Justice Summit will equip the people of the Archdiocese to live out that Eucharistic Mission. Fr. Luke will be one of the keynote speakers that the upcoming Mercy & Justice Summit which will be a fun, inspiring day of discovery for how we as an Archdiocese can live out the Year of Mission for the National Eucharistic Revival.
Direct download: 2024-8-25_Mercy__Justice_Summit_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:12pm CST |
Fri, 16 August 2024
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Dr. Lucas Tappan, founder and president of the Catholic Academy of Sacred Music. They talk about the impact and importance of raising up a new generation of sacred musicians, and how the Academy offers classes for youth and adolescents. Classes start in September '24 and parents can find out more by emailing Lucas Tappan:
Direct download: 2024_8-18_Youth_Choir_Classes_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:03pm CST |
Fri, 9 August 2024
Archbishop Naumann visits with Brigitte Pinsonneault, Regional Director of St. Paul's Outreach. St. Paul’s Outreach trains full-time missionaries and student leaders to build missional communities on campuses that reach out and invite college students and young adults into a transformative encounter with Christ, into deep relationship with him and with his people . . . into a lifelong adventure of mission.
Fri, 19 July 2024
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Sacred Artist, Mattie Karr in which they discuss the vocation of the artist, sacred art and the importance of beauty.
Direct download: 2024-7-21_Sacred_Art_wt_Mattie_Karr_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:33pm CST |
Fri, 12 July 2024
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Kathy White, the new Coordinator of Foster and Pro-Life Ministry Every child is a precious, unique gift from God who deserves a loving family and a stable home life. Sadly, each day in Kansas, children are removed from their homes by no fault of their own for a variety of reasons. Because care of the orphan and the works of mercy are part of the mission for all baptized Catholics, we have the grace needed to meet this challenge. If only 2% of Catholics opened their homes to foster for even a short period of time and 5% volunteered in some way to help these kids and their families, we can help these children and the families who care for them THRIVE!
People can find out how they can get involved by going to ARCHKCK.ORG/FOSTER
Direct download: 2024_7-14_Foster_Care_wt_Kathy_White_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:14pm CST |
Mon, 17 June 2024
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Emily Lopez, Director of Evangelization about the amazing opportunity we all have to Walk with Jesus as a part of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage. This coming June 25-29, 2024 Our Eucharistic Lord will be passing through Kansas as part of a National Eucharistic Pilgrimage happening across the United States in preparation for a historic National Eucharistic Congress happening soon after in Indianapolis. |
Thu, 6 June 2024
Archbishop Naumann interviews the staff of Catholic Community Health Services about this unique health ministry that serves any person in need of care in the KC area: Brad Heidrick (CEO), Tiffany Howell-Clair (Chief Marketing Officer), Matt Kemnitz (Chief Mission Officer), and Tami Titus, (hospice nurse & Bereavement Coordinator) Catholic Community Health is a ministry of the Archdiocese that provides holistic care, comfort, and support to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of patients and families.
Direct download: 2024-6-9_Catholic_Community_Health_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:57pm CST |
Fri, 31 May 2024
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Deacon Steve Greco, executive producer of the film Jesus Thirsts, which has a limited national release in theaters, June 4, 5 and 6th. Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist, embarks on a global journey to rediscover and revive the transformative power of the Eucharist. Engaging in dialogue with notable Catholic figures, the film explores the biblical origins of the Eucharist and shares personal stories of individuals whose lives have been transformed by the Blessed Sacrament. This exploration makes it unmistakably clear that the Eucharist is not merely a symbol, but is indeed Jesus Christ Himself — fervently desiring to quench our spiritual thirst with His boundless love.
Direct download: 2023_6-2_Jesus_Thirsts_Film_on_Eucharist_Mixdown_1.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:18pm CST |
Fri, 3 May 2024
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Brian Westbrook, Executive Director of Coalition Life about the lies and misinformation surrounding a petition initiative to put a state constitutional amendment on the 2024 ballot in Missouri. A coalition of Missouri abortion-rights organizations has launched an effort to put a constitutional amendment on the 2024 ballot to legalize abortion up until the point of fetal viability. Soon you will likely encounter paid signature gatherers in public places in Missouri asking you to sign a pro-abortion initiative petition. The ballot summary is very deceptive claiming to protect women’s health and “reproductive health care.” However, this initiative petition will put in the Missouri constitution a “right” to dangerous late-term abortions with taxpayer money without parental consent for minors and without the oversight of health agencies to protect the health of Missouri women.
Fri, 26 April 2024
Archbishop Naumann sits down with Matt Kemnitz (Chief Mission Officer) & Deacon Joe Allen (Hospice Chaplain) for Catholic Community Health to discuss the his recent decision to make ERD's particular law for Catholic institutions in Northeast Kansas and why it's important to share them with all healthcare givers. They also reflect upon Catholic Hospice and how blessed the KC metro community is to have a hospice provider that knows and follows the ERD's for the best care for patients and their loved ones.
Direct download: 2024_4-28_ERD_Ethical_Religious_Directives_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:43pm CST |
Fri, 5 April 2024
Archbishop Naumann interviews Deacon Dana Nearmyer, Lead Consultant for Evangelization and Ashlie Hand, Director of Communications for the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph about the upcoming, historic BeholdKC event. Come together for a historic Eucharistic celebration and BEHOLD the true presence of our Lord Jesus Christ! This free, public outdoor event is a gathering of the "one holy catholic and apostolic Church," from the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph and the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas and will be the largest Eucharistic adoration opportunity in our city in more than 80 years. The gathering happens the evening of Saturday, May 4 the on the north lawn at the National World War I Museum and Memorial across from Union Station in Kansas City. |
Fri, 15 March 2024
Archbishop Naumann interviews Deacon Tim Donohue, CRS Diocesan Director for Archdiocese of Boston and a CRS Global Fellow. They dialogue about how often when we listen to news of all the conflicts and disasters in the world, it can be overwhelming and we can feel quite powerless. But as Catholics, we are not powerless to help, especially during Lent all our parishes have passed out these little cardboard Rice Bowls that have the power to save lives. If there is a disaster or a war, you can be sure the CRS staff are nearby; already implementing a well thought out well networked plan to help.
Direct download: 2024_3-17_CRS_Rice_Bowl_4_Crisis__Peace_final.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:33pm CST |
Fri, 1 March 2024
Archbishop Naumann talks to Rachel Clark, Community Sponsorship Coordinator, for the Catholic Charities' Refugee Resettlement program. Since around 1975 when the Archdiocese started helping resettle refugees from the Vietnam conflict Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas has developed into one of the largest resettlement sites in Kansas, with most refugees coming from Southeast Asia's Myanmar, formerly known as Burma. Their Refugee Resettlement Services offer programs and services designed to provide social and emotional support to refugees including English language classes, citizenship preparation, case management, employment support and more. They have many great ways for people to live out their discipleship of Jesus through the works of mercy by volunteering.
Direct download: 2024_3-3_Catholic_Char_Refugees_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:49pm CST |
Fri, 16 February 2024
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Curtis Keddy, Deacon Candidate and Associate Director of Formation with the Office of Permanent Diaconate about how the Lord called him and the mystery of this Holy Order of service.
Direct download: 24-2-18_Mystery_of_Diaconate_wt_Curtis_K.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:02pm CST |
Fri, 9 February 2024
Direct download: 2024_Arch_Conf_Spanish__30_sec_spot.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:04am CST |
Fri, 9 February 2024
Each Lent, the Archbishop runs commercials to encourage Catholics to experience the healing power of the sacrament of reconciliation. So in addition to their normal schedules, our priests make confessions available Wednesday nights from 6-7 pm at the churches of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. These are the 30 second spots in English that will run this year on local radio stations and streaming services. We have also recorded one in Spanish that will air on Spanish speaking stations. |
Fri, 2 February 2024
Archbishop dialogues with Toby Cook and Jason Davis about being a man in the Church and the upcoming Men Under Construction retreat. Saturday February 17th at Church of the Ascension in Overland Park. Tickets are on sale at In Kansas City we are blessed to have a one-day men’s conference that usually happens the first Saturday of Lent where hundreds of men from across the Kansas City metro for meet for a day of spiritual renewal and fellowship. They always feature outstanding Catholic speakers, mass and a chance to go the confession (plus they feed you well). This will be the 27thconference and will happened Saturday February 17th at Church of the Ascension in Overland Park. Tickets are on sale at
Direct download: 2024-2-4_Men_Under_Construction_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:25pm CST |
Thu, 25 January 2024
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Jason Davis and Toby Cook about the upcoming 10th annual FIRE men's retreat Feb 10-11, 2024 "FIRE: Be Strong. We aim to build Catholic men to help build the Domestic Church. Men walking, playing, praying and building together on the path to stronger families, stronger business leadership, stronger communities. Join us for the 10th FIRE Retreat under the stars at Prairie Star Ranch." |
Fri, 19 January 2024
Archbishop Naumann talks with Abbey Foard, associate director of Desert Stream about how this ministry develops SAFE HEALING COMMUNITIES for the local church to help people who are sexually and relationally hurting. They talk about the LGBTQ agenda, the damage it does and how the Church compassionately, yet, truthfully accompanies those who experience these issues. Desert Stream/Living Waters Ministries provides help for Christians struggling with sexual and relational problems. Their help is based on the biblical foundation of compassion, integrity, and dependence on God.
Direct download: 2024_1-19_DesertStream_wt_Abbey_Foard_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:33pm CST |
Fri, 15 December 2023
Archbishop Naumann interviews Craig Soto and Kimberly Flores about the healing they received at the Life Giving Wounds and how they are now helping lead the upcoming January 2024 LGW Retreat here in Kansas City. The Life-Giving Wounds retreat is a unique opportunity for young adults (18+) and adults with divorced or separated parents to reflect intentionally on the wounds caused by their family’s breakdown, together with others who know this pain and knowledgeable, compassionate retreat leaders. With the help of God, retreat attendees learn to see how their life-draining wounds can become a life-giving mission of love for themselves, their relationships, and others.
The Next local retreat will be here in Kansas City on weekend of January 12th to the 14th, Starting on a Friday evening and ending Sunday Afternoon.
Direct download: 2023_12-17_Life_Giving_Wounds_Retreat_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:50am CST |
Fri, 17 November 2023
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Dan Spencer founder of Legacy of Faith, a ministry that equips Catholic Grandparents to be a positive spiritual influence in their grandchildren's lives and help future generations remain faithful to Christ and His Church. Archbishop shares some of his family history while reflecting upon the role his grandparents played in his faith journey, and the two share some real practical advice on how grandparents can be harmoniously engaged in the Faith lives of their grandchildren.
Direct download: 2023_11-19_GrandParents_Ministry_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:40pm CST |
Fri, 10 November 2023
Archbishop Naumann interviews Fr. William Slattery, Ph.D about his book: Heroism and Genius: How Catholic Priests Helped Build-and Can Help Rebuild-Western Civilization.
Direct download: 2023-11-12_Hero_Priests_wt_F.r_Slattery_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:23pm CST |
Fri, 20 October 2023
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Brian Westbrook founder and executive director of Coalition Life, a leader in sidewalk counseling whose mission is to end abortion peacefully and prayerfully. |
Fri, 20 October 2023
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Brian Westbrook founder and executive director of Coalition Life, a leader in sidewalk counseling whose mission is to end abortion peacefully and prayerfully. |
Fri, 6 October 2023
Archbishop Nauamann dialogues with Vince Eimer about how his monastic background informs the caretaking of the Christ's Peace House of Prayer. Everyone should take time for God by making a retreat, and so the archdiocese helps to make it possible with this wonderful place.
Direct download: 23-10-8_Christs_Peace_House_of_Prayer_50_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:31pm CST |
Fri, 22 September 2023
Archbishop Naumann reflects upon the Black Catholic experience by dialoguing with Barbara Bailey, Jonathan Goering and Andre Randle who were members of the Archdiocesan delegation to the National Black Catholic Congress along with Deacon Bill Scholl. They are all members of Our Lady & St. Rose parish which has the distinction of being a national parish which features African American spirituality. They reflect upon the heroic witness of African American Catholics who have had to forgive much in order to persevere in the sacramental life and how being a Black Catholic Christian is way more common than many Americans might think. The National Black Catholic Congress convenes a gathering every five years. Each one renews and develops their mission with a Pastoral Plan to equip the Church in American to evangelize and enhance the spiritual and physical well being of African Americans as full members the Church and society. This year the Congress XIII happened in National Harbor Maryland in the DC area with the theme of “Write the Vision: A Prophetic Call to Thrive”
Direct download: 2023_9-24_Black_Catholics_Gifts_of_the_Church_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:07pm CST |
Fri, 15 September 2023
Archbishop Naumann debriefs with fellow pilgrims, AJ Hastings and Yariet Reyes-Guizar about their recent experiences at World Youth Day 2023 in Portugal. Rick Cheek, consultant for the Office of Evangelization and Catholic Formation for Youth, who lead the youth on the trip also joins the conversation.
Fri, 18 August 2023
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Brad and Libby Dupont of the Marriage and Family Life ministry about the 3 Pillars of a Joyful Marriage and some of the tips and techniques for couples to live out happily God's calling for them in their marriage.
Direct download: 2023_8-20__3_pillars__for_your_Marriage_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:25pm CST |
Fri, 4 August 2023
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Phillip Cosby the State Director for the American Family Association of Kansas and Missouri about Phil's recent arrival into full communion with the Catholic Church, and how Jesus's words, "For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink" 6:55 in the Gospel of John compelled him. They also discuss Phil's longtime activism against the porn industry's unfettered access to children and the challenges and joys of following Jesus when he calls you to engage in public policy struggles for justice. |
Wed, 19 July 2023
Archbishop Naumann interviews Donnelly College President, Monsignor Stuart Swetland about what makes this junior college so special and why Catholics and non-Catholics alike find it to be an amazingly affordable and formative eduction. |
Fri, 14 July 2023
Archbishop Naumann interviews author Dawn Eden Goldstein about her recent book: Father Ed: The Story of Bill W.'s Spiritual Sponsor, They explore the life of this extraordinary priest and what his life can teach us as followers of Christs and as human beings. Dawn Eden Goldstein is the author of several books, including The Thrill of the Chaste, My Peace I Give You: Healing Sexual Wounds with the Help of the Saints, Remembering God's Mercy, and Sunday Will Never Be the Same. At the age of thirty-one, Dawn underwent a dramatic conversion to Christianity that ultimately led her to enter the Catholic Church. She wrote a book about this and we had her on the show: Sunday Will Never Be the Same: A Rock & Roll Journalist Opens Her Ears to God. She received her doctorate in sacred theology summa cum laude from the University of St. Mary of the Lake in 2016, becoming the first woman in the university's history to earn a canonical doctorate. She has taught at universities and Catholic seminaries in the United States, England, and India. Father Ed is the first biography of Father Edward Dowling, SJ, whose guidance transformed Alcoholics Anonymous founder Bill Wilson's life and deepened the spirituality of the twelve-step movement.
Fri, 7 July 2023
Pitching for Priests just had its 9th year and so we decided to play the original show from July 2014. Msgr. Mullen and Jim O'Laughlin talk with Archbishop Naumann about the tradition that inspired the event.
Fri, 16 June 2023
Archbishop Naumann talks with Paul & Tracy Satterfield, coordinators for Retrouvaille of Kansas City about how this marriage ministry for couples in crisis is for many a miraculous path to healing that saves marriages and families. They also discuss the devastation of divorce and how it ultimately is not so often the easy path in the long run. |
Thu, 1 June 2023
Archbishop Naumann interviews Fr. Jaime Zarse, the former pastor of Sacred Heart in Sabetha, St. Augustine in Fidelity and St. James in Wetmor, and his team Annie Deters, Greta Heinman, and Gina Salman about their experience in cultivating an Amazing Parish. Amazing Parish is a movement in the Church that gives busy pastors coaching to form effecting leadership teams and improve the organization health of the parish, and then provides pastors and their teams the tools they need to transform their parishes—moving from maintenance mode to mission communities that are truly alive.
Thu, 25 May 2023
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Emily Lopez, Director of Adult Evangelization, about the Revival of Eucharistic Amazement initiative, that will be kicked off at the parish level on the Feast of Corpus Christi, Sunday June 11th.
Direct download: 2023_5-28_Parish_Eucharistic_Amazement_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:49pm CST |
Fri, 12 May 2023
Archbishop Naumann talks Social Justice with Tim Rives, the new Community Outreach Coordinator for the the Office for Social Justice. They clear up what social justice is and isn't and how we as Catholics are called to engage the community out of our love for Christ in advocacy for the flourishing of all people. Tim Rives is the new member of our Justice, Life, and Advocacy team with the Office of Social Justice who will be focused on reaching out to our parishes in a process of discerning how we can apply the principles of Catholic Social Doctrine to organize grass-roots efforts to help the poor advocate for themselves and to make life better for everyone in our communities. He has a background in history and is also the author of the book: The Ku Klux Klan in Kansas City, Kansas published by The History Press
Direct download: 2023_5-14_Justice_Ministry_in_Arch_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:49pm CST |
Fri, 5 May 2023
Archbishop interviews three sisters from the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary: Sr. Lucia María, Sr. Kelly Grace, and Sr. Monica Bernadette Arguello. They talk about the history and the charism of this new order and their ministry here in the archdiocese.
Direct download: 2023_5-7_Sisters_of_the_Pierced_Hearts_of_JM_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:41pm CST |
Fri, 21 April 2023
Archbishop Naumann interviews Denise Ogilvie, Chief Mission Officer for Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas about how Catholics make the love of Christ tangible to the community through support and volunteering. |
Fri, 31 March 2023
Archbishop Naumann concludes his reflection on the Passion narrative of John by showing how the blood and water that flows from our Lord's pierced side is connected to the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Reconciliation. |
Mon, 27 March 2023
Archbishop reflects on the messages from the cross. |
Fri, 24 March 2023
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Susan Pieper one of the founders of the Catholic Spiritual Mentorship Program and two Catholic Spiritual Mentors, Arnie Gaus and Christine Tsigolaroff about their experiences. Holy Family School of Faith Institute offers a two-year course of study combining eight distance learning courses with four one-week intensive sessions offered in-residence at Savior Pastoral Center in Kansas City, Kansas. The program aims to form Spiritual Mentors to serve as guide and companion to others on their journey to holiness. It is designed for Catholics who have a desire to develop a deep prayer and sacramental life, to increase their knowledge of the Catholic faith, to grow in the virtues and a desire to help others do the same.
Direct download: Catholic_Spirtitual_Mentorship_Program_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:57pm CST |
Sat, 18 March 2023
Archbishop Naumann examines Pilate's dilemma and questions who is really free in this situation. When it comes down to it, who do you choose the World or the Lord? |
Fri, 10 March 2023
Archbishop Naumann interviews Dr. Daniel Meola, president and cofounder of Life Giving Wounds and Brad Dupont, new lead consultant for Marriage and Family Life in this second interview about the ministry. Life Giving Wound’s mission is to help young adults and adults with divorced and separated parents give voice to their pain and find deep spiritual healing. They do this as a Catholic, peer-led ministry by providing unique means for Christ to transform their life-draining wounds into life-giving resources of faith, hope, love, and joy for themselves, their relationships, and the Church.
Direct download: 2023_3-12_Life_Giving_Wounds_2_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:35am CST |
Fri, 10 March 2023
Archbishop Naumann explores Jesus's encounter with Pontius Pilate and the question of truth. |
Mon, 6 March 2023
In this second installment of Archbishop Joseph Naumann's reflections of the Passion according to John, he shares how we as disciples can pray into this scripture and reflects upon how Jesus loves us even when we betray him like Peter. |
Fri, 3 March 2023
Archbishop Naumann interviews Trudy Boynton, one of the organizers of this year’s Women’s Conference of Healing and Forgiveness The 3-day Women’s Conference of Healing and Forgiveness, entitled “Renewed by His Love,” will be held May 4-6, 2023 at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Lenexa, Kansas. The conference will include: Inspirational guest speakers Candlelight Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Opportunities to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, A wine and cheese social event on Friday evening, Mass offered by Archbishop Joseph Naumann at 4 p.m. on Saturday
Direct download: 2023_3-5_Womens_Healing_Conference_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:49pm CST |
Fri, 24 February 2023
Archbishop Naumann reflects on the passion narrative of John part 1: JOHN 18 1-11, Jesus is Arrested.
Direct download: 2023_Archbishop_Lenten_Reflection_1_.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:02pm CST |
Fri, 17 February 2023
Archbishop Naumann interview Sister Miriam Heidland about the power of Christ's healing in her life and her ministry to how we can approach our Savior of the saving he so ardently desires to give.
Direct download: 2023_2-19_Sr._Miriam_Heidland_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:39pm CST |
Fri, 27 January 2023
Archbishop Naumann interviews his new Director of Human Resources, Bob Roper. They reflect on how Faith and work intersect and how God calls lay Catholics especially to transform the world by their joy.
Direct download: 2023_1-29_Lay_Cath._Job_Des._wt_Bob_Roper_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:02pm CST |
Fri, 13 January 2023
Archbishop Naumann interviews Lee McMahon the new Evangelization Consultant about the New Evangelization and how we as Catholics can live a fuller Faith by sharing it with others.
Direct download: 2023_1-15_New_Evangelism_wt_Lee_M_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:28pm CST |
Fri, 16 December 2022
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with the staff of Catholic Community Hospice about how Kansas City is blessed to have its own Catholic Hospice and why it is important for Catholic families meet with Catholic Hospice (913-621-5090) when in need of palliative and end of life care.
Archbishop interviews: Deacon Jim Lavin, chaplain Nurse Samantha Fatall RN, and Tiffany Howell-Clair, Business Director
Fri, 2 December 2022
Archbishop Naumann interviews Dr. Dan Meola, president and cofounder of LIfe Giving Wounds. Life Giving Wound’s mission is to help young adults and adults with divorced and separated parents give voice to their pain and find deep spiritual healing. They do this as a Catholic, peer-led ministry by providing unique means for Christ to transform their life-draining wounds into life-giving resources of faith, hope, love, and joy for themselves, their relationships, and the Church.
Direct download: 2022_12-4_Life_Giving_Wounds_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:33am CST |
Wed, 23 November 2022
Archbishop Naumann is interviewed by Deacon Bill Scholl about the Kerygma and an initiative in the Archdiocese for all the priests and deacons to preach the Kerygma during advent. They base their discussion on Fr. John Riccardo's book Rescued: The Unexpected and Extraordinary News of the Gospel Fr. Riccardo teaches that, "Kerygma is the Greek word for “proclamation.” It refers to the basic message of the gospel. But “basic” doesn’t mean “ordinary.” When St. Paul says that the gospel is “the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16), he doesn’t mean Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. He means the proclamation of all that God has done for us in his Son, Jesus. He means the kerygma.
Direct download: 2022-11-27_Unwrapping_the_Kerygma_for_Christmas_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:01am CST |
Fri, 11 November 2022
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Marco Casanova, Assistant Director of Desert Stream Ministries Desert Stream/Living Waters Ministries provides help for Christians struggling with sexual and relational problems. This help is based on the biblical foundation of compassion, integrity, and dependence on God.
Direct download: 2022_11-13_Desert_Stream_Ministries_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:41pm CST |
Fri, 4 November 2022
Archbishop Naumann interviews Kristin Selby, about Catholic Charities' New Roots for Refugees, a program that empowers families from the refugee community to start farm businesses by growing and selling produce through farmer’s markets, wholesale, and New Roots’ Farm Share. Farmers enter the New Roots four-year program with agricultural expertise from their home country and grow produce according to organic standards.
Direct download: 2022_11-6_New_Roots_4_Refugees_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:23am CST |
Fri, 21 October 2022
Archbishop Naumann talks with Michael Poderbarac of the Worship and Liturgy office about Transcendence in the Liturgy.
Direct download: 2022_10-23_Transcendent_in_Liturgy_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:32pm CST |
Fri, 14 October 2022
Archbishop dialogues with Catherine (Suprenant) Cheney the new Director of City on a Hill. “City on a Hill is an apostolate that reaches over 2,000 young adults on a yearly basis. With over 600 engaged members (weekly or biweekly involvement) and 100 young adults in formal leadership roles, City on a Hill is one of the foremost Catholic young adult communities in the nation.”
Thu, 6 October 2022
Archbishop Naumann interviews Susie Boster a foster care respite provider and Deb Niesen of the Pro-Life Office about how Catholics can discern becoming foster parents and supporting families who open their homes to kids in need by starting a Foster Care Ministry at their parish. You can learn more my going to
Direct download: 2022_10-9_Foster_Care_Ministry_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:15pm CST |
Fri, 16 September 2022
Direct download: 2022-11-18_Food_Drive_for_Local_Need_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:38pm CST |
Fri, 9 September 2022
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Dr. Michael Pakaluk about his life of faith and the importance of ethics. MICHAEL PAKALUK is a professor of ethics and social philosophy in the Busch School of Business at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., and a member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas. He earned his undergraduate and doctoral degrees at Harvard and studied as a Marshall Scholar at the University of Edinburgh. An expert in ancient philosophy, he has published widely on Aristotelian ethics and the philosophy of friendship and done groundbreaking work in business ethics. His previous books include Other Selves: Philosophers on Friendship, The Appalling Strangeness of the Mercy of God, and most recently The Memoirs of St. Peter: A New Translation of the Gospel according to Mark. He lives in Hyattsville, Maryland, with his wife, Catherine Pakaluk, a professor of economics, and their eight children. |
Tue, 23 August 2022
Archbishop Naumann interviews journalist Alexandra DeSanctis about her new book Tearing Us Apart. Also Naumann reflects on Church's support of the Value Them Both Amendment and why it failed to pass. Alexandra DeSanctis is the co-author of: Tearing Us Apart: How Abortion Harms Everything and Solves Nothing, which she co-wrote with Ryan T. Anderson Alexandra DeSanctis is a writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. Alexandra publishes frequently in National Review's print and online magazines, covering politics, abortion, the pro-life movement, elections, and religion.
Direct download: 2022_8-28_Is_Abortion_Tearing_Us_Apart_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:14pm CST |
Fri, 5 August 2022
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Ann Marie Alvey about the work the Church does in helping women and men heal from participating in an abortion. If you could use help or know someone who does, you can call Ann Marie at: 913-621-2199 or go to The Mission of Project Rachel and Project Joseph is to help post-abortive women and men understand what took place with the abortion experience, and its impact on their lives and relationships. Struggles with sadness, anger, shame and regret can be overwhelming. These emotions can be crippling and prevent people from living life to the fullest. Our goal is to accompany and assist people on this healing journey, free of judgement and condemnation, leading them on a path towards forgiveness, freedom and peace.
Direct download: 2022_8-7_Project_Rachel-Joe_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:12am CST |
Fri, 15 July 2022
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with several women: Dr. Angelique Pritchett, MD, board certified specialist in family medicine, Leah Conner, Executive Director of Wyandotte Pregnancy Center, and Debra Niesen Pro-Life Consultant for the Archdiocese, about why Kansas women are voting yes on the Value Them Both Amendment being held on Tuesday, August 2nd. |
Fri, 8 July 2022
Archbishop Naumann interviews Project Rachel and Project Joseph coordinator Ann Marie Alvey about how the trauma of abortion, which though common, is often overlooked; and how the Church accompanies women and men who have participated in an abortion to find healing.
Direct download: 2022_7-10_Project_Rachel-Joe_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:11pm CST |
Fri, 24 June 2022
Archbishop Naumann interviews Tim Chik the Director of Savior Retreat Center about the life-sized Pieta on display at Savior center, and how people can help make this display permanent. The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas and Arte Divine LLC, recently brought a life-size marble casting of Michelangelo’s ‘Pietà’. The Carrara marble, exact casting of Michelangelo’s Pieta, will be the 57th of only 100 authorized to be created and placed.
Fri, 3 June 2022
Archbishop Naumann dialogues about the question of freedom with Sohrab Ahmari, author of The Unbroken Thread and the Wisdom of Tradition, Sohrab Ahmari is a contributing editor of The American Conservative and a visiting fellow of Franciscan University's Veritas Center for Ethics in Public Life. Previously, he spent nearly a decade at News Corp., as op-ed editor of the New York Post and as a columnist and editor with the Wall Street Journal opinion pages in New York and London. His latest book is The Unbroken Thread: Discovering the Wisdom of Tradition in an Age of Chaos. |
Fri, 20 May 2022
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with J.P. De Gance, President and CEO of Communio, about his new book: Endgame: The Church’s Strategic Move to Save Faith and Family in America. Communio is a nonprofit that consults with churches equipping them with proven strategies and technologies to solve our nation’s family and faith crisis. Co-Author of : Endgame: The Church’s Strategic Move to Save Faith and Family in America Co-Written with Dr. John Van Epp PhD, founder of LoveThinks, Endgame diagnoses the root cause of the collapse of faith in Jesus Christ and how churches can solve the crisis.
Direct download: 2022_5-22_JP_DeGance_ENDGAME_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:39pm CST |
Fri, 6 May 2022
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Deb Niesen, Pro-Life Consultant for the Archdiocese, on how the Value Them Both Amendment will protect children and women; and how Kansans can get involved in the movement.
Direct download: 2022_5-8_Value_Them_Both_Vote_August_8_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:20pm CST |
Fri, 29 April 2022
Archbishop dialogues with Dr. Tory Baucum about his conversion and mission to help families and marriages with the upcoming Family Week retreat, May 22-28, 2022 Family Week is a week-long family enrichment retreat hosted by the Benedictine College Center for Family Life. Couples and families come to Family Week for a unique retreat experience that explores the “why and how” of marriage and family through a Catholic lens. It's a dynamic seven days of deep and engaging talks, fellowship, prayer, and fun activities for the whole family. Families of all faith traditions welcome. Dates: Sunday May 22 till. Saturday May 28, 2022 Lodging and scholarships available.
Direct download: 2022_5-1_Family_Week_wt_Dr._Tory_Baucum_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:16am CST |
Wed, 6 April 2022
Archbishop concludes his reflection on the Eucharist with John's account of the washing of feet. Jesus teaches that people of the Eucharist are called to be "foot washers", servant leaders willing to do what ever it takes to make the love of God present in the world. The Eucharist is not just the source and summit of our faith, but the source and summit of our mission.
Direct download: AB_Eucharistic_Reflection_6__mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:06pm CST |
Fri, 1 April 2022
Archbishop Naumann interviews Sister Eva Marie Ackerman, the archdiocesan delegate for religious and consecrated life, about the vocation and service of Catholics who take religious vows. |
Tue, 29 March 2022
Archbishop concludes his reflection on the Bread of Life discourse found in the 6th chapter of the Gospel of John. He reflects upon how how the doctrine of the True Presence startled his first followers and yet the early Church believed from the very beginning that Jesus is physically and divinely present in the Eucharist.
Direct download: Archbishop_Nauman_5th_Eucharistic_reflection_wt_Music_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:22pm CST |
Wed, 23 March 2022
Archbishop Naumann reflects on the gift of the Eucharist that many Catholics miss because they don't quite believe in Christ's real presence.
Direct download: 4th_Reflection_AB_Naumann_on_Eucharist_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:53pm CST |
Mon, 21 March 2022
Archbishop Naumann continues to walks us through the "Bread of Life Discourse" in the Gospel of John by exploring the ramifications of the Real Presence. |
Fri, 18 March 2022
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Sr. Briege McKenna about her vocation and experiences of Christ's healing through the Eucharist. They discuss the need for revival in Eucharistic Amazement among Catholics because as Sister says, "Christ does not need to be defended, He just needs to be proclaimed."
Direct download: Sr._Briege_interview_talking_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:36pm CST |
Mon, 14 March 2022
Direct download: 2nd_Eucharistic_Reflection_by_Archbishop_final.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:23pm CST |
Fri, 11 March 2022
Archbishop Naumann interviews Mary Hasson, JD, co-founder of the Person Identity Project, whose mission is to assist the Catholic Church in promoting the Catholic vision of the human person and responding to the challenges of gender ideology. They dialogue about how as Christians we are called to be apostles of love and of truth, and how someone cannot do one without the other. True compassion is always grounded in reality and one cannot truly love another by condoning a falsehood.
Direct download: 2022_-3-13_Gender_Ideology_Compassionate_Response_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:10pm CST |
Mon, 7 March 2022
Direct download: 2022_AB_Eucharistic_Reflection_1__FINAL_mix.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:06am CST |
Fri, 18 February 2022
Archbishop Naumann interviews Fr. Romiro Chan the new archdiocesan director of Hispanic ministry.
Fri, 4 February 2022
Archbishop Naumann interviews Gavriella Geller, Executive Director of the Kansas City Jewish Community Relations Bureau / American Jewish Committee. They discuss how Catholics and people of good will can be more aware of and confront anti-semitism.
"I met Gavriella last Fall when I had the privilege of touring the Union Station exhibit: Auschwitz: Not Long Ago, Not Far Away, and then participating in a conversation with other KC area clergy about the problem of antisemitism. Sadly, in January we were all reminded of the reality of how Jew’s don’t feel safe to go to worship, when a gunman took hostages at the Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville Texas. So, I invited Gavriella to come help us better understand the growing problem of antisemitism and what we as Catholics can do." Deacon Bill Scholl
Direct download: 2022_2-6_Catholics_Combat_AntiSemitism_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:44pm CST |
Fri, 21 January 2022
Archbishop Naumann interviews John Dahlstrand, the archdiocesan consultant for adult evangelization, about his work with Called and Gifted to help Catholics discern God's call in their lives. Called and Gifted is a process to help Catholics discover their particular spiritual gifts which God has given for service of others.
Direct download: 2022_1-23_Called___Gifted_wt_John_Dahlstrand_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:04am CST |
Fri, 17 December 2021
Archbishop Naumann and Deb Neisen, pro-life consultant for the archdiocese, discuss the upcoming March for LIfe and the current status of the Abortion issue in the U.S. They explore how 2022 holds great hope for and peril to the protection of the unborn and the women harmed by abortion.
Direct download: 2021_12-19_ProLife_Marches_On_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:34am CST |
Fri, 3 December 2021
Archbishop Naumann interviews two leaders of the Legion of Mary, Larry Goddard, president of the Archdiocesan Comixium and Lisa Amayo a leader of a local presidium about the ministry of Legion of Mary in its centennial year. The Legion of Mary is a lay apostolic association of Catholics who, with the sanction of the Church and under the powerful leadership of Mary Immaculate, Mediatrix of All Graces, serve the Church and their neighbor on a voluntary basis in about 170 countries. The first meeting of the Legion of Mary took place in Myra House, Francis Street, Dublin, Ireland, on 7 September, 1921.
Direct download: 2021_12-5_Legion_of_Mary_100th_Anniversary_fc_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:58am CST |
Tue, 23 November 2021
Advent starts the new year liturgically, and so in this show Deacon Bill Scholl interviews Archbishop Naumann about some of the exciting initiatives of the Catholic Church that are coming in 2022. Naumann shares about his time as pro-life chair, the upcoming Value Them Both Amendment, and the Eucharistic Amazement movement, and a very quick shout out to the Synod on Synodality.
Direct download: 2021_11-28_Advent_Coming_Soon_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:27pm CST |
Fri, 5 November 2021
Archbishop Naumann interviews Josh Ruoff, the new Consultant for Special Needs Ministry for the Archdiocese.
Direct download: 2021-11-7_New_Consultant_Special_Needs_.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:25pm CST |
Fri, 29 October 2021
Archbishop Naumann interviews Lauren Solidum, President and CEO of Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas, about the Catholic Church's efforts to relocate Afghan refugees here in our community, and how people can help in this crucial work of mercy. Recently in response the humanitarian crisis caused by NATO withdrawl from Afghanistan, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) asked Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas to participate in the Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) Evacuation Project alongside of other Catholic Charities agencies and community partners to assist Afghan refugees with resettlement.
Direct download: 2021_10-31_Afghan_Refugees_wt_Lauren_Solidum.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:28am CST |
Fri, 8 October 2021
Archbishop Naumann interviews Ruth Tisdale, the executive director of Advice and Aid pregnancy resource centers. They discuss the issue of abortion, and how these centers help women in crisis pregnancies with information and support; and dispel some common myths about pregnancy resource centers. You can support Advice and Aid by registering for the October 14th banquet. The in person event is sold out but for a $25 donation one can view online by registering here. |
Fri, 1 October 2021
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Vince Anch, Executive Director of the Catholic Education Foundation and their upcoming gala event that celebrates the heroism of our Catholic school teachers: Gaudeamus which happens Saturday, October 23rd.
The Catholic Education Foundation provides access to education for at-risk students at the lowest poverty levels. By helping these children, and their families, they transform their lives with access to an exceptional K-12 Catholic education where academic rigor, faith and social support are prioritized. |
Fri, 10 September 2021
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Marco Casanova, of Desert Stream Ministries about the Living Waters program. "Living Waters provides a thoughtful and safe place to look at the ways we’ve become ensnared. Through weekly times of worship, teaching and small group prayer, our program leaders walk with participants in their struggle so they can live in freedom and truth. We pray for God’s healing to restore broken areas of life so that people can “love well” as God intended. Living Waters is a 20 week closed group for men and women seeking healing in their lives. It is an intensive and unique small group. Ultimately, we learn how to press into Jesus more deeply, allowing Him to meet our needs and transform us for His Kingdom purposes. With groups all over the world, and with over thirty years of ministering God’s healing love, the Living Waters program is a proven path of healing." |
Fri, 3 September 2021
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Deacon Steve Greco, founder of Spirit Filled Hearts ministry, about the upcoming online Saint Joseph Summit. This virtual event pilgrimage happens Sept. 30-Oct. 3, 2021 and will feature over 30 speakers, such as: Scott Hahn, Leah Darrow, Jason and Chrystalina Evert, Cardinal Dolan, Cardinal Burke, Archbishop Naumann and many more. You can register for free and attend the event live at no cost, and recordings are available with a paid registration.
Direct download: 2021_9-5_Saint_Joeseph_Summit_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:42am CST |
Fri, 27 August 2021
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with Leon Suprenant, co-director of the The Office of the Permanent Diaconate and Deacon Tom Mulvenon about a new cohort opening up for Catholic men to discern a vocation to be a deacon. The Office of the Permanent Diaconate is offering a series of Information Nights this fall at the following locations:
All information nights begin at 7:00 p.m.
Direct download: 2021_8-29_New_Deacon_CoHort_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:19am CST |
Fri, 13 August 2021
Archbishop Naumann interviews Catherine Contreras, President of Vox Vitae about their efforts to form the next generation to be pro-life advocates. The Vox Vitae Catholic Pro-Life Camp fosters a deep love and understanding of the Catholic faith and equips teens to be courageous and active voices for life. Together, the campers explore the truth of Catholicism, the destruction wrought by abortion and euthanasia, the beauty of chastity and holiness, the harms of homosexual activity and transgenderism, and the importance of civic awareness and involvement. The campers practice dialoguing and defending their faith and pro-life views against those who disagree. |