Dec 20, 2018
Naumann interviews Deb Niesen, Archdiocesan Pro-Life Consultant, and two young people traveling on this years Pilgrimage for Life.
Every January, a caravan of buses filled with youth, travels from Kansas City to Washington D.C., to March for Life, which happens this year on January 18th
This year we are sponsoring two...
Dec 14, 2018
Naumann interviews Father Gilson Sobriero who founded the Franciscan Poor of Jesus in Brazil. This order of brothers and sisters actively serves the poor in Kansas City, Kansas.
Father Gilson speaks in Portuguese with translation help from Sister Magdalena....
Dec 7, 2018
Naumann interviews Lauren Solidum, the new CEO for Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas. They discuss how this charitable arm of the Church mobilizes to put love into action.
Nov 30, 2018
Naumann interviews Rachel Pollock, Director of Refugee and Immigrant Services for Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas.
Nov 20, 2018
Naumann interviews Lesle Knop and Kathryn Robards of Stewardship and Development about the iGiveCatholic campaign and the excitement of the upcoming Giving Tuesday online event.
iGiveCatholic is a 24-hour online Giving Tuesday campaign for the organizations within the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. There are 47...