Jul 12, 2019
Naumann interviews Ken and Patty Billinger about Project Chrysalis, a new grief support group for parents and grandparents who have lost a child.
Every great grief conceals a great grace. Project Chrysalis is a
new Catholic ministry designed to help parents who have lost a
child find hope through Sacred Scripture and community, all while
to the teaching of the Magisterium. While this ministry is
not a bereavement group, our mission is to offer support and hope
through scripture in a time of transformation.
For more information, contact Ken or Patty Billinger at
913-634-4210 or email billinger@archkck.org. You can also
find more information on our website at www.hopeinscripture.com or
on our Facebook page - @projectchrysaliskc. The group is open
to parents who have lost a child or grandparents who have lost a