Mar 9, 2018
Naumann interviews Elizabeth Kirk, a family law scholar and faith-based adoption advocate. They discuss the harm and unintended consequences for children when adult activists force faith-based organizations out of the adoption process because they will only place kids in homes with a married father and mother.
Kansas is currently considering a law to faith-based adoption and you can help by going to
Thousands of children in the U.S foster system are in desperate need of a safe place to call home, particularly minority children, older children, and those with disabilities. Faith-based adoption agencies in Kansas have been giving these children forever homes for over 60 years.
Sadly, other states have implemented policy changes that prevent faith-based providers from serving in accordance with their sincerely held religious beliefs. Catholic Charities’ adoption ministry was forced to shut down after 100 years of serving in Boston. Agencies in San Francisco, Illinois, and DC have also been forced to close because of their policy of only placing children in homes where they will have the lifetime benefit of a married mom and a dad.