Nov 29, 2012
Archbishop Naumann Interviews some of the staff who have been helping him implement the Faith Initiative.
Lesle Knop and Tim Chik discuss some of the many programs and options for Catholics in the archdiocese to grow in their marriage, family, and faith lives in this year of Faith
Nov 16, 2012
Archbishop Naumann interviews Mary Ann Gardner of the Marian Mantle Group. Marian Mantle is a prayer support group and outreach for Catholics who share a common heartache because someone they love has left the Faith.
Archbishop shares the important role parents play as co-creators with God in the lives of their...
Nov 9, 2012
Archbishop Naumann interviews Dr. Melissa Colbern founder and director of Topeka's new pregnancy resource center.
Dr. Colbern shares how devotion to the Virgin Mary and some brave preaching by her parish priest lead her to this exciting new apostolate.
Find our more about the work of Mary's Choices Pregnancy...