Apr 29, 2022
Archbishop dialogues with Dr. Tory Baucum about his conversion and mission to help families and marriages with the upcoming Family Week retreat, May 22-28, 2022
Family Week is a week-long family enrichment retreat hosted by the Benedictine College Center for Family Life. Couples and families come to Family Week for a...
Apr 6, 2022
Archbishop concludes his reflection on the Eucharist with John's account of the washing of feet. Jesus teaches that people of the Eucharist are called to be "foot washers", servant leaders willing to do what ever it takes to make the love of God present in the world. The Eucharist is not just the source and summit...
Apr 1, 2022
Archbishop Naumann interviews Sister Eva Marie Ackerman, the archdiocesan delegate for religious and consecrated life, about the vocation and service of Catholics who take religious vows.