Mar 29, 2019
Naumann interviews Ann Marie Alvey about Project Rachel and Project Joseph, the Church's ministry for women and men hurting from the choice of abortion.
Rachel is available at no
cost to help anyone, regardless of faith, who has had
an abortion, whether recent or many years ago.
Project Rachel offers women...
Mar 22, 2019
Archbishop Naumann dialogues with liturgist, Michael Podrebarac about the sacrament of confirmation. They explore how this sacrament gives courage, the role of sponsors, and why 8th grade is a great time to get confirmed.
Mar 8, 2019
Archbishop Naumann interviews Abby Johnson about the upcoming movie based on her life...
In Theaters March 29, 2019
Unplanned is the inspiring true story of one woman’s journey of transformation.
All Abby Johnson ever wanted to do was help women. As one of the youngest Planned...
Mar 1, 2019
Naumann Interviews Dr. Troy Hinkel, of School of Faith, about Racial Healing and the US Bishops' pastoral letter against racism: Open Wide our Hearts.