The Shepherd's Voice
Archbishop Joseph Naumann teaches the Catholic Faith by interviewing Catholics who live it.
NFP Summer Outreach at Benedictine, CANCELLED due to flooding

Due to Flooding in the area this event and ALL speakers have been cancelled.  Including the free speakers

Doctors and Couples YOU Want to Go to this event.

40 years after Humanae Vitae most Catholics know that the Church enjoins married couples to practice Natural Family Planning.  Yet, sadly, many Catholic couples and Catholic medical practitioners have very little knowledge of this pragmatic and life affirming practice. 

That's why Benedictine college is reaching out to the culture with its first NFP Outreach National Summer Institute.

Archbishop Naumann converses with two of the event's organizers, Fr. Mathew Habiger and Mathew Tsakanikas, about this amazing conference that is geared toward both medical professionals and lay Catholics alike, and has attracted top tier speakers such as Dr. Robert George and Dr. Janet Smith.

The "Catholic Healthcare Identity: Pastoral & Medical Strategies" NFP Outreach National Summer Institute takes place July 11-16th, 2011 at  CANCELLED Benedictine College.

You can find out more by going to:

Direct download: SV_2-6-11_NFP_Conference_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:13am CST