The Shepherd's Voice
Archbishop Joseph Naumann teaches the Catholic Faith by interviewing Catholics who live it.
Physician Heal Thyself

Naumann interviews Dr. Randy Brown, Fr. Vince Huber and Mike Schrischligt about the First Saturday's for Physicians initiative.

They discuss the importance of Catholic doctors supporting one another's growth in the spriritual life and how this partnership between The Catholic Medical Association, Holy Family School of Faith, and The Apostles of the Interior life is bringing new energy and perspecitive the doctors' vocations as physicians.


Direct download: 2014_12-21_fc_1st_Sat4Physicians_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:24am CST

Father Fireman

Naumann interviews Father Pat Sullivan about his ministry as the pastor for several rural parishes and as a chaplin and firefighter.

Direct download: 2014_12-7_Father_FireFighter_FC_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:10pm CST

Naumann interviews Carolyn O'Laughlin and Michael Shirley about the second station added to the KC area, the plans to reach out to Spanish speakers, and how listerners can now get Catholic programning 24/7.

Direct download: 2014-11-30_Catholic_Radio_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:24pm CST

Nauamnn inteviews Judy Walker and Sister Judith Jackson about the great services of Catholic Community Hospice, Kansas City's only Catholic Hospice.  

They discuss how the nurses, staff and volunteers provide support and care to patients and their families as they confront a life-limiting illness.

To learn more or to find out about volunteering call 913-621-5090

Direct download: 2014_11-23_fc_Hospice_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:45pm CST

Naumann interveiws Liz Miller and Angie Bitner about their efforts to help youth grow in the Faith.  As well they discuss the challenges and blessings of young Catholics  who live in our Urban and Rural communities.



Direct download: 2014-11-16_Youth_Ministry_Update_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:32pm CST

Naumann interviews Fr. Tom Schrader the new president of Bishop Ward High School.  The two discuss how through prayer and providence this Carmelite priest came from California to Kansas.


Direct download: 2014_11-9_fc_Wards_new_President_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:02pm CST

Naumann interviews Leon Suprenant, Deacon Candidate and Pastoral Associate for Administration, of the Office of the Permanent Diaconate.  A third group of Permanent Deacons is being recruited and now is the time to apply for men interested in discerning a calling from God.

The Archdiocese will begin accepting applications in December 2014 for entrance into the next deacon cohort. Formal training will begin in September 2015.

The window is closing fast and likely won't open for another three years, So for more information visit:  The Office of the Permanent Diaconate


Direct download: 2014_11-9_3rd_Deacon_Cohort__mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:30pm CST

Naumann interviews Carmelite Fr. David McEvoy on the Carmelite community's celebration of 150 years in America and the Leavenworth parish where they got their start.

Direct download: 2014_fc_ts_10-26_Carmelite150_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:59pm CST

Not Alone in the Choice

Naumann interviews Leah Conner, Director, and Lisa Motley, Angel Coordinator, of the Gabriel Project.  The Gabriel Project is a minstry that helps pregnant women in need with a "Good Samaritan" approach.  Volunteers, who are called Angels, work one on one with women facing an uplanned, crisis pregnancy and support them with love, care, and spiritual / material support.



Direct download: 2014_SV_10-19_Gabriel_Project_fc_eg_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:55am CST

Naumann interviews Mary Sloan, executive director of the Kansas Coalition Against the Death Penalty.  Naumann clarifies Catholic teaching on why the Church now calls for abolishing the death penalty and how this injunction does not contradict  previous Chruch teaching.  

In Kansas this year, legislation will be considered to end the use of the death penalty.  Kansas as a red state could influence the entire nation to reconsider capital punishment.

Join the fight to end the death penalty in Kansas by joining the:

Kansas Coalition Against the Death Penalty. 

Direct download: 2014-9-21_Death_Penalty_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:41pm CST

Naumann interviews Lucas Tappan, director for Most Pure Heart of Mary's Schola Cantorum, a kids choir that has been invited to sing for the Pope for the Feast of the Epipahny in 2016.  Lucas is joined by 2 of his choirsters Maggie and Kolbe.

You can learn more and help these kids have the Faith experience of a lifetime by going to MPHM Schola Cantorum.

Direct download: 2014_SV_MPHM_Choir_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:47pm CST

Naumann interviews Cahtolic Charities President and CEO, Ken Williams after his first year at the helm.  They discuss the breadth of services that Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas gives to the poor throughout the archdiocese and how parishes and volunteers are becoming an evermore important component of that service.



Direct download: SV_2014_Catholic_Charities_Ken_Williams_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:22am CST

Naumann interviews Donna Kelsey of the Wyandotte Pregnancy Center and Wendy Davis from 40 Days for Life about all the spiritual, legislative, and human efforts that contributed to the Aid for Women Abortion Clinic closing down in July of 2014.

There will be a mass of Thanksgiving Saturday, September 6, 2014. For event details visit the Archdiocesan Pro-Life Office.

Direct download: 2014_SV_8-24_fc_ts_Abortion_Clinic_Aborted_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:49pm CST

Evangelized by Beauty

Naumann interviews artist and author David Clayton about the role of beauty in our life of Faith.

They discus David's latest book:  The Little Oratory which is a beginers guide to praying in your home by utilizing sacred art.

You can learn more about David's  thougts at his blog:

The Way of Beauty

Direct download: 2014_SV_8-17_Way_of_Beauty_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:42am CST

Meet Monsignor

Naumann interviews Monsignor Stuart Swetland the new president of Donnelly College. Swetland shares how he went from being a naval officer and Rhodes scholar to becoming a Catholic covert, Catholic Priest, and national leader in Catholic Campus ministry.  Naumann and he discuss this unique Archdiocesan college.



Direct download: 2014_SV_8-10_Msgr_Swetland_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:48am CST

First Freedom of the 1st Amendment

Naumann interviews Michael Schuttloffel, executive director of the Kansas Catholic Conference on the various threats to our most basic civil right, religous freedom.

Direct download: 2014_SV_Religious_Freedom_fc_ts.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:32pm CST


Naumann interviews Courage chaplain, Father John Riley.  Archbishop Naumann shares why the Church cares for people who are tempted to self-identify as Gay or Lesbian and how the Church's teaching on chastity offers happiness to a culture so confused about sex.


The Archdiocese offers support through its Courage and Encourage Chapters.


To get support call: 913-428-9893

Direct download: 2014_SV_7-13_COURAGE_fc_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:31pm CST

Pitching Priests

Naumann interviews Monsignor Mullen and Jim O'Laughlin about the history and fun of the upcoming baseball matchup between Kansas and Missouri Priests/Seminarians at Community America Ballpark July 14th.

Gates open at 6:30.

Tickets are only $10 and can be purchased at The Catholic Radio Network

Direct download: 2014_6-29_Baseball_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:41pm CST

Your Marriage Tune Up

Naumann interviews Deacon Tony Zimmerman and his wife Barbara about how to have a joy filled marriage and some of the resources that are available for Catholic married couples.

A great way to tune up your marriage  is the Worldwide Marriage Encounter Retreat happening here in Kansas City:

Friday, June 27th to Sunday June 29th at the Savior Center


Direct download: 2014_SV_6-22_Marriage_Tune_Up_ts_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:23am CST

Naumann interviews Donda McLaughlin director of Pregnancy Counseling and Adoption Services and Judy Walker VP of Program and Health Services for Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas.

They dialogue about new options for birth mothers who want to place their children up for adoption and give an overview of the process for people who want to adopt.

Direct download: 2014_6-8_Adoption_Catholic_Chariites_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:33pm CST

Naumann interviews Joe Heshmeyer a 2nd Year pre-theology seminarian and two other seminarians from Africa...

Daniel Koko Oleko and Laurent Okitakatshi both from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

They discuss what life is like as a seminarian.

You can check out Joe Heshmeyer's  blog: Shameless Popery

Direct download: 2014_5-25_Seminarians_fc_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:56am CST

Beauty and the Faith

Naumann interviews artist and iconographer Elizabeth Zeller about the role artists play in the Church's life of Faith.

Zeller is also the founder of: the Contemporary Religious Artists Foundation

They are hosting an exhibit, GOD'S LOVE PORTRAYED IN ART featuring works created by religious June 25th - October 1, 2014  at Saviour Center in Kansas City, Kansas.

With a special reception attended by the archbishop July 13th.



Direct download: 2014_5-18_Artist_Liz_Zeller_fc_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:27pm CST

Viva Familia Grande

Naumann interviews Chris and Marcia Ziglinski, St. Agnes parents of 6 kids, about the blessings and challenges of large families.

Archbishop Naumann has offered to personally baptize children of his archdiocese who are the third or more in birth order.  

These ceremonies are held once every few months.

For details contact:

Michael Podrebarac   Liturgy Consultant
(913) 647-0330


Direct download: 2014_5-11__Baptism_Ziglinski_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:11am CST

FOCUS on Foreign Lands

Archbishop Naumann talks to 2 KU Catholics going abroad with FOCUS to witness the Faith abroad.  

They are trying to raise funds for the trip and their fellow missionaries.  

You can donate by sending a check written to FOCUS at:

FOCUS Mission trip

attn: Fallon Scanllon

1602 High Drive

Lawrence, KS 66044 

Direct download: 2014_sv_4-27_Focus_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:13pm CST

Hope After Abortion

Naumann interviews "Mary Ann"  a post-abortive mother who shares her story of loss, grief, repentence, and reconciliation with God after having a number of abortions.  Project Rachel is a ministry that helps women and men who have participated in an abortion heal from the trauma, guilt, and estrangement from God that abortion brings.  Pat Klausner, the director of Project Rachel also joins the discussion.

In Kansas City, for help in healing or advice in counsel call

Project Rachel:  888-246-1504


Direct download: 2014_4-13_fc_Hope_after_Abortion__mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:32am CST

Apologetics Academy Kansas City

Naumann interviews Patrick Madrid on his upcoming apolgetics class.

Register for the Apologetics Academy

May 1 @ 6:00 pm - May 4 @ 12:00 pm

at Saviour Center

Apologetics Academy is a a secialized apologetics training on the biblical and historical foundations of the Catholic Church, as well as on modern ideological and cultural challenges (e.g., atheism, moral relativism).

This is your golden opportunity to receive high-level apologetics training from top veteran Catholic teachers: Kenneth Hensley, Dr. Peter Kreeft, and Patrick Madrid.

Direct download: 2014_SV_4-6_fc_Patrick_Madrid_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:19pm CST

Monastery of the Lamb

Naumann intervews Little Siter Sarah and Lister Sister Ode about the recently contructed monastery in KCK, and how their witness of life is changing hearts.

Direct download: 2014_SV_3-23_fc_LOL_Monastery_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:30am CST

Running with the Cows

Naumann interviews Queen of the Holy Rosary parishioners Gwen Schreiner and Susan Jacobs about this amazing race that helps send kids to school and benefits various charities.

This is a great family friendly event for both the casual and serious runner.

All three Running with the Cows races  take place  Saturday, May 10, 2014


Direct download: 2014_SV_3-16_Running_wt_Cows_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:31am CST

Let's Go Make Disciples

Naumann interviews David Trotter, director for Ministry and Mission at Benedictine College.  The two discuss the important role that lay Catholics have in sharing the Faith.


Benedictine is hosting it's 3rd annual Symposium on Advancing the New Evangelization

March 21-22, 2014  a

Direct download: 2014_SV_3-9FC_David_Trotter_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:22am CST

Nauman interviews Andy Marso and  they exlore suffering from the perspective of the Cross.

Andy Marso is an award-winning journalist and a survivor of a rare form of meningitis that nearly killed him and resulted in amputations of parts of all of his limbs.  He writes about this experience and how it impacted his Faith life in his book: Worth the Pain: How Meningitis Nearly Killed Me - Then Changed My Life for the Better




Direct download: 2014_SV__3-3_Worth_the_Pain.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:17am CST

The Poor of Jesus

Naumann interviews Sr. Magdalena and Sr. Maria Goretti about the work of the Fraternity of the Poor of Jesus.

This religious order from Brazil is reaching out to the homeless and troubled youth of Kansas City in Kansas.




Direct download: 2014_SV__2-23_Frat_Poor_of_Jesus_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:22pm CST

Missionary Moms

Naumann interviews Olivia Steer and Emma Frosini about how they evangelize the world as wives and mothers utilizing the strategy of win, build, send.  


More about Olivia's work.


Direct download: SV_2-16_fc__Missionary_Moms_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:54am CST

Evangelized Kansas

Naumann interviews Fr. Andrew Strobl and Betsy Helow, the new staff at the Office of Evangelization.  

They discuss the evangelization strategy of Win, Build, Send and how as Catholics we don't need a formal education to talk about Jesus, we just need to love Christ and share that love with others.

The Office for Evangelization has some great training events coming up. So check out their workshops.

Fr. Strobl also has a great blog Evangelized Kansas that features  many notable Catholic writers.

Direct download: 2014_2-9_fc_ts_b4_May_EVANGELIZED_KANSAS_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:51am CST

Princess Prayer Blog

Naumann interviews Caroline and Emily Thompson, two sisters who write a blog on living the Catholic Faith from the perspective of young adult women.

The Princess Prayer Blog

Direct download: 2014_SV_fc_1-26_Princess_Blog_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:06pm CST

Pilgrimage of Protest

Naumann interviews two teens going on the March for Life in Washington DC.  Youth Consultant Rick Cheek joins a Bishop Ward junior and a St. James senior as they discuss with the Archbishop the impact this annual trip to protest abortion has had in their lives.

Direct download: 2014_1-19_fc_ts_March_4_Life_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:17am CST

Advice & Aid Pregnancy Center

Naumann interviews Ruth Tisdale, executive director of the Advice and Aid pregnancy center.  The two discuss how Chiristians strive to save lives not just by law but by love in helping at-risk mothers and their unborn babies navigate the trevails of pregnancy.

Direct download: 2014_SV_1-12_Advice__Aid_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:45am CST