Fri, 19 December 2014
Naumann interviews Dr. Randy Brown, Fr. Vince Huber and Mike Schrischligt about the First Saturday's for Physicians initiative. They discuss the importance of Catholic doctors supporting one another's growth in the spriritual life and how this partnership between The Catholic Medical Association, Holy Family School of Faith, and The Apostles of the Interior life is bringing new energy and perspecitive the doctors' vocations as physicians.
Direct download: 2014_12-21_fc_1st_Sat4Physicians_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:24am CST |
Mon, 1 December 2014
Naumann interviews Father Pat Sullivan about his ministry as the pastor for several rural parishes and as a chaplin and firefighter.
Direct download: 2014_12-7_Father_FireFighter_FC_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:10pm CST |