The Shepherd's Voice
Archbishop Joseph Naumann teaches the Catholic Faith by interviewing Catholics who live it.
The Joy of Knowing

Naumann interviews Brooke Gonzales the Executive Director of the Fertility Care Center of Kansas City.  They dialogue on common misconceptions about medical fertility care and how the Creighton Methods helps couples conceive naturally.

Direct download: 2015_10-18_Fertility_Care_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:38pm CST

The RED Mass

Naumann interviews several Catholic Lawyers about the Catholic Lawyers Guild and the upcoming Red Mass, October 29th.


Direct download: 2015_10-11_RED_Mass_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:21pm CST

Undercover Evangelization

Naumann dialogues with Greg Doring and John Bachura about how they are building Catholic disciples by reaching out to fellow dads at their parish.



Direct download: 2015_10-4__Focus_at_Cure_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:29am CST