The Shepherd's Voice
Archbishop Joseph Naumann teaches the Catholic Faith by interviewing Catholics who live it.
Popcak's on Marriage & Children

Naumann interviews Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak about how to have a great marriage and raise happy kids in the midst of modern culture.




Direct download: 2016_8-28_POPCAKs_on_Marriage_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:39pm CST

Nativity House

Naumann dialogues with Nativity House director Barbara Belcher and Stacie a mother who got help from this ministry to pregnant mothers in need.


Direct download: 2016_8-21_Nativity_House_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:44pm CST

World Youth Day with the Archbishop

Naumann dialogues with seminarian Sebastian Scholl and St. Paul youth group member Justin King about their pilgrimage to Krakow for World Youth Day.

Direct download: 2016_8-14_WORLD_YOUTH_DAY__mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:31pm CST

Advice & Aid Pregnancy Center

Naumann interviews Ruth Tisdale and Kyle Reighard about the ministry of Advice and Aid.  Naumann shares his thoughts about the Supreme Court and how this pregnancy resource center is helping pregnant mothers make informed choices they won't regret.



Direct download: 2016_SV_8-7_Advice_and_Aid_mixdown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:28pm CST